


CTU has developed a program to generate by-products in each stage of the tanning process as raw materials for other industries…



CTU has developed a program to generate by-products in each stage of the tanning process as raw materials for other industries…

1. liming process


In this stage of the tanning process, in which the hair is separated from the skin, the first by-product is generated.

An organic fertilizer used
in the farming industry, 100% organic.

2. Fleshing and
splitting process


This stage is where we separate the animal fat from the skin and it goes inside a fats treatment plant. Here it gets treated and decomposed into water, solid and oil.

Split itself is used for the jello industry, it can be turned into pet toys and used to manufacture industrial gloves.

The animal fat obtained works to generate a type of flour that can be used to be processed into animal food.

3. tanning process


Organic material is separated from the inorganic material during this stage. This part of the process is made with the use of Chromium. In this stage we obtain our precious wet blue.

 Each piece of our wet blue goes through a shaving process where we obtain collagen to make a wet blue shaving, that is currently being tested to be turned into glue.

At this stage, semi-finished leather is obtained. It goes through a budding process, which releases a type of dust, that can be used for building fluid retention sleeves such as petroleum, as well as filling punching bags.

4. Sorting


Finally leather is obtained. Each piece goes through a sorting process.

 Parts that cannot be used are collected and delivered to artisans for their manufacturing of products. This way, leather does not become waste.

Interesting huh? So many ways to keep a

circular economy

and take care of our planet.